Fund Accounting and Investor Reporting
Capital Calls and Distributions
Investor Relations
Management Company Accounting
Payroll, 401K and benefits administration
Cash Management
Budgeting and Forecasting

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, akin to Greek "tettares" four
   1 : four; having four parts
   2 : small, often brightly colored South American tropical fish

We bring together the four critical components of private equity investment management: limited partners, portfolio companies, investment managers and fund administrators.

Each have their own priorities and concerns. Each have issues they view as critical. Effective fund management addresses all constituents, handling accounting, capital calls and distributions, investor relations and acting as the main liaison with auditors and regulators. What portion of this is performed in-house or is outsourced is a business decision each fund manager makes. Outsourcing is a cost effective alternative to allow fund managers to concentrate on closing deals.

However, from the Fund Manager's perspective, that's only part of the job. The management company has many more needs that are often not addressed by outsourced fund administrators. There's payroll, benefits administration, office management, vendor relationships, budgeting and cash forecasting, and other details that keep the place running day to day.

While some fund administrators provide services from their own office, often in another state or country, Tetra emphasizes a personal approach with work performed on premises allowing the Fund Manager’s personnel to concentrate on  upporting the portfolio, rather than supporting a remote relationship.